Welcome ZOOZER!
It’s Official, you are a #ZOOZER
Thank you for choosing us. We want to serve you in the best way possible. Here are a few ideas to get you started on your journey with your new bike.

It is the owner and rider’s responsibility to ride within the limits of their capabilities and to abide by local laws and regulations. We recommend wearing a helmet when riding for your safety, whether or not local laws require it.
This information is intended to ensure the safe and proper function of your ZOOZ electric bicycle. However, it is intended as a general guideline, not a substitute for best bicycle practices, proper care, and good judgment. If you are unfamiliar with or unsure of the assembly, adjustment, and use of this bike, it is strongly encouraged that you and a professional bicycle shop perform such assembly and maintenance.

Things you need to be aware of:

- No liability or warranty shall be accepted if the use of the ZOOZ Bikes electric bicycle deviates from this intended use, if safety instructions are not observed, in the event of overloading, or if faults are not correctly recited.
- Similarly, no liability and warranty shall be accepted in the case of assembly errors, willful intent, accidents, and/or if care and maintenance specifications are not followed.
- Any modifications or alterations to the electrical system (tuning) void all claims under warranty and guarantees.

ZOOZ Bikes' electric bicycles are not approved for participation in competitions. Commercial use does not form part of the intended use. This assistant's operation parameters, maintenance, guidelines, and service instructions are part of the intended use.