Front Rack for 2023 Ultra Urban

After many requests from ZOOZERS over the past couple years, and watching people install various universal racks, flat pizza racks, (sometimes called a messenger or delivery style rack) and more, we decided to included a racking system on the 2023 Ultra Urban frames. 

These racks are designed to be as sturdy and strong as our bikes and as versatile as possible with the ability to add a wide world third party accessories directly onto the rack such as a basket (we like the Dairyman from Bikase), pannier bag (we like the Chrome Industries Urban Ex 2.0), a skateboard rack (Fairdale makes the dopest one) and more.

Here's a link to see how it seamless installs and integrates into the frame.

If you have one of these, be sure to post and tag us on social media.

Explore the Ultra FAMILY

Ultra Ripster
Ultra Urban Gen 4
Ultra Flex